Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This blog is for us plain, ordinary tax paying americans that are wondering what went wrong with our country.

While I am a Libertarian, I will refrain from taking sides on political debates, I'd rather figure out what to do to solve a problem, not waste time blaming "the other side."

For my first post I will address the national debt. Almost 18 trillion US dollars. Does anyone really think it will ever be repaid? By who? Imagine running a household as recklessly as we let the politicians run our country. If you managed your money the way they do, you would be in jail, lost all your assets, and would have to file bankruptcy.

There is a simple solution to our debt crisis, one that unfortunately the politicians will never follow: Cut all spending, across the board, every line item by 5% more than we overspend. I think we are overspending around 35% if I remember correctly. If so, we cut everything, salaries, every program, everything the Feds spend money on by 40%. That balances the budget and gives us 5% to start paying down the national debt. Painful? You bet. Ask anyone that lost a high paying job how painful the spending cuts are, let an American that has suffered tell you.
The cuts the politicians are suggesting won't even balance the budget for a month, let alone a year 
Why won't politicians cut spending? Ask one. It is an interesting answer. They think YOU are too stupid to figure them out.
Politicians are OUR servents, we do not owe them benefits so plush no private company could ever afford. We do not owe them a pension. All elected officials should be able to support themselves before and after office. Yet they steal OUR money to make themselves wealthy. - More on how do deal with elected officials later.